Riverview JR SR High


Welcome to Riverview Junior-Senior High School!
Providing Oakmont and Verona with a world-class education and experience.  

What's New

Riverview Students Tour PNC Park

Students in Mrs. Kvortek's Sports, Arts & Entertainment Management and Marketing class toured PNC Park to learn about venue management.
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ACT 158- Important Graduation Information

Riverview students who will graduate in 2023 and beyond now must meet an additional statewide graduation requirement.  If you or your student are graduating in 2024, your guidance counselor would have already reached out to you regarding any additional steps needed to meet this important graduation requirement.  If you have any questions/concerns, please contact your guidance counselor.  Please see below for additional information directly from the PA Department of Education. 

Act 158 of 2018 (Act 158), signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf on October 24, 2018, provides alternatives to Pennsylvania's statewide requirement of attaining proficiency on the three end-of-course Keystone Exams (Algebra I, Literature, and Biology) for a student to achieve statewide graduation requirements. 

Effective with the graduating class of 2023, students have the option to demonstrate postsecondary preparedness through one of four additional pathways that more fully illustrate college, career, and community readiness. Keystone Exams will continue as the statewide assessment Pennsylvania uses to comply with accountability requirements set forth in the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Although students will no longer be required to achieve proficiency on the Keystone Exams to meet the statewide graduation requirement, students must take the Keystone Exams for purposes of federal accountability. Failure to do so will affect a Local Education Agency (LEA) and school's participation rate.

The Act 158 Toolkit was designed to provide guidance as a result of the enactments of Act 158 and Act 6 of 2017 (Act 6), which established alternative pathways to meeting statewide graduation requirements for students who are Career and Technical Education (CTE) concentrators.

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RVTV Studios Presents, The Current!

Attention all parents, students, and community members!

If you would like to stay up to date on news and announcements at the Riverview JR-Sr High School, please consider subscribing to the YouTube channel "RVTV Studios".  This channel will post our daily announcement show "The Current" which will contain news announcements about activities, clubs, sports, and more!

Be sure to turn on notifications to be updated when the daily announcements are posted.  
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District Calendar

Riverview Jr-Sr High School
100 Hulton Road
Oakmont, PA 15139
Phone 412-828-1800 opt 6
Fax 412-828-6296

Grades 7-12

Mr. Eric Hewitt

Junior High Principal
Dr. David Turk

School Hours

Nurse 412-828-1800 x1017

Dismissal/Absence Form

School Vaccination Flyers

Workers Permit

AEDY Documents

Honor Rolls

View text-based website