Verner Elementary

Welcome to Verner Elementary!
Nestled in Verona, PA, we provide a world-class educational experience for students K-6.

2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration

Riverview School District will open it’s Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year beginning Wednesday, January 22, 2025.  All Children who will be five years old before September 1, 2025 are to be enrolled in one of  our Kindergarten Programs.  Kindergarten Registration Packets will be available in the main school office of  Verner Elementary and Tenth Street School .  Please complete and return the Registration Packet and all required documents  to the school office no later than February 28th.  Upon completion of registration packet, you will sign your child up for a screening appointment.  
For more information please contact:
· Verner Elementary School Secretary – Mrs. Soilis  412-828-1800 x 3010
· For Verona Residents Screening date is May 8th and 9th
  9:30-11:30 and 12:30-2:30pm
· Tenth Street Elementary School Secretary —Mrs. Pazman 412-828-1800 x 2010 
· For Oakmont Residents Screening  dates are April 2nd and 3rd
  9:30-11:30 and 12:30-2:30pm
Documents needed for Kindergarten Registration:  
Birth Certificate, Immunization Records, Proof of Residency:  PA Photo ID (Driver’s License), copy of 3 different Utility Bills,  a Deed, Lease and or Bill of Sales with current address.
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Principal's Message

Welcome to the Verner Elementary School experience. We proudly respect our past, prepare for the future, and are responsible for our present. The generations of students who have attended Verner Elementary moved on to become successful adults. If we wish to follow in their footsteps, we need to prepare our student to become responsible young adults when they leave behind their elementary school and move on to junior / senior high school. They will need to be ready to meet all types of challenges in the future. Our school hopes to provide many opportunities for our children to have healthy physical as well as intellectual experiences. Preparing for the future is always a little uncertain, because we never know what new events or inventions will change our lives. Instilling a joy for learning and creating inquisitive individuals is paramount. Once a person has an interest in learning more and has the tools to be able to teach himself or herself, that person will be able to accept any challenge that the future may bring.

In addition to academic learning and physical development, we hope that our students will appreciate the benefits of treating other people the way that they wish to be treated. We are all different on the outside, but inside we have the same hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Everyone deserves respect. Everyone deserves to be heard. Everyone deserves a good education. Once we all learn to work together, everyone will be ready to respect others and be proud of Verner Elementary. 



Dr. Christina Monroe

District Calendar

Verner Elementary
700 First Street
Verona, PA 15147
Phone 412-828-1800 opt 8
Fax 412-828-8086

Grades K-6

Dr. Christina Monroe

School Hours

Doors open at 8:20 a.m.

Nurse 412-828-1800x3017

School Vaccination Flyers

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