The Riverview School District takes pride in its long-standing tradition of delivering a full continuum of services and programs to students with diverse educational needs. Our mission is to provide comprehensive support that maximizes the academic, social, and emotional growth of every student, ensuring that all students can thrive as successful, lifelong learners.
At Riverview, we recognize the importance of collaboration among parents, teachers, students, therapists, administrators, and support personnel. This teamwork is essential in designing and implementing appropriate programs and services for students with disabilities. Our special education services are tailored to each student’s needs, with levels of intervention, goals, accommodations, modifications, and specially designed instruction determined by the IEP team.
Our approach to special education is centered around providing support in the least restrictive environment. To the greatest extent appropriate, students receive services in typical classroom settings alongside their non-disabled peers. Our dedicated team of highly qualified teachers, therapists, and paraprofessionals deliver these services, ensuring that every student has access to the general education curriculum and opportunities for meaningful inclusion.
The Riverview School District is committed to ongoing professional development for all staff members. Our educators are trained extensively in differentiation, allowing them to meet the varying readiness levels of students in all settings. For example, reading and math skills are taught in small groups based on instructional needs rather than eligibility for special education. At the high school level, core content classes are often co-taught by special education and content area teachers, enhancing the learning experience for all students. Additionally, we have implemented Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) across our elementary and middle schools, ensuring that students receive targeted interventions in reading, language arts, math, social/emotional, and behavioral areas, regardless of disability.
Riverview is responsive to feedback from various stakeholders, leading us to offer a wide range of in-service programs for staff and parents, adopt research-based reading, language arts, and math programs, and integrate assistive technology into our classrooms. We promote the use of supportive tools and equipment to help students gain independence and access the general education curriculum, with assistive technology playing a critical role in our special education support system.
The Riverview School District is dedicated to fostering independence and preparing students to follow their own paths after graduation, whether that path leads to college, the military, a career, technical school, volunteer opportunities, or community socialization programs. Our commitment extends beyond the classroom, as we work closely with students and their families to ensure a smooth transition into adulthood. We are here to support each student's unique journey, helping them build the skills and confidence needed to succeed in whatever they choose to pursue after high school.
Riverview School District Administrative Offices
701 Tenth Street, Oakmont, PA 15139,
Phone: 412.828.1800 Fax: 412.828.9346
Ms. Jamie Desrochers, Director of Special Education