The Riverview School District has a certified Reading Specialist in each elementary building and at the Riverview Jr / Sr High School. Our Reading Specialists are highly qualified teachers who aim to improve the students’ reading achievement through explicit skill-based instruction using researched based interventions that are selected to meet the specific needs of the students. Our Reading Specialists also serve as instructional leaders for the teachers by providing additional support and professional development opportunities for various instructional practices related to literacy.
Verner Elementary School
Mrs. Lori Ruggiero
Mrs. Missy Arnett (Day 3, 4, and 5)
Tenth Street School
Mrs. Marti Nese
Mrs. Missy Arnett (Day 1, 2, and 6)
Riverview Jr / Sr High School
(Grade 7-8) Mrs. Missy Arnett (Day 1-6)
If you need to reach any of the Reading Specialists, please contact them through their email or call them directly:
Mrs. Lori Ruggiero - [email protected] (412) 828-1800 x 3107
Mrs. Nese – [email protected] or (412) 828-1800 x 2142
Mrs. Arnett – [email protected] or (412) 828-1800 x 1072