Riverview Pride/Bullying Policy

Riverview Junior/Senior High School has adopted a new
behavior model known as Riverview Pride. 

This program combines the SWPBIS (School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) and Olweus Bullying Prevention programs. The result is having a clear definition of expectations and what procedures are in place when expectations are not followed. It ensures school-wide consistency by streamlining the discipline procedures and making expectations easier to understand for staff, parents, and students. 

Riverview Pride

Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Responsible!


As students in the Riverview School District, we show:


We are ready, respectful, and responsible for ourselves by:

*Taking responsibility for our own belongings

*Following school rules and being responsible for our learning


We are ready, respectful, and responsible for our learning by:

*Listening and showing respect to all adults and classmates

*Participating in class activities

*Showing pride and completing tasks with care

*Giving our best effort to all tasks

*Celebrating achievements


We are ready, respectful, and responsible for each other by:

*Showing kindness and consideration

*Including everyone in activities

*Speaking politely and showing good manners

*Accepting each other’s differences

*Resolvingdisputes peacefully


We are ready, respectful, and responsible for our school by:

*Representing our school with pride

*Caring for our learning environment

*Speaking positively about our school


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