Welcome to the
Tenth Street Elementary Health Office
Nurse - Ms. Kelli Matthews 412-828-1800 x2017
...and welcome to Tenth Street Elementary School! At Riverview the school nurses believe in promoting the well-being, academic success and lifelong achievement of students. It is our job to make sure that your children stay healthy and safe. Please contact me with any questions and concerns you have at 412 828-1800 x2017
Our School Health Services are governed by State Laws and School District Policy.
Guidelines and Regulations are imposed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and the Allegheny County Department of Health. In accordance with the law, all students receive an annual Height, Weight, Body Mass Index, and Vision Screening. Hearing Screening is completed for students in grades K-3, 7 & 11. Scoliosis screening is performed for grades 6 & 7.
Immunization Information must be provided to the school nurse before your child is permitted to enter school.
You will be notified of any issues of non-compliance in accordance with Health Department Guidelines. Contact the nurse's office for information on obtaining a Medical or Religious Exemption.
A Physical Exam is mandatory, by state law, for students entering school for the first time (Kindergarten or 1st Grade), and for students in grades 6 & 11. The exam may be completed by your family doctor, or by the school doctor. If your child had an exam within 1 year of the beginning of the grade in which the exam is due, you do not need to repeat the exam, just have your physician complete the form based upon the last exam.
A Dental Exam is also mandatory, by state law, for students entering school for the first time (Kindergarten or 1st Grade), and for students in grades 3 & 7.
Your family dentist may complete the exam, or the school dentist may do a general dental screening. Please have your dentist complete the form, and return it to the school nurse, or a school screening may be scheduled. If your child had an exam within 1 year of the beginning of the grade in which the exam is due, you do not need to repeat the exam, just have your dentist complete the form based upon the last exam.
Please assist us in decreasing the spread of contagious diseases!
Notify your school nurse if your child has an illness such as strep throat, chicken pox, pertussis, flu, etc. If your child is ill with a fever,(100.0 degrees or higher) keep him/ her home until they are fever free for 24 hours. Also during cold & flu season, remember to teach proper hand washing, and encourage catching your cough in your sleeve or the use of tissues and hand sanitizer.
Please keep the nurse informed of any concerns or problems your child may be having. Thank you!