Spanish Web Resources

Spanish Web Resources

Rocket Languages - Grammar explanations

If you need help with something like por/para, preterit and imperfect, ser and estar...use this site.

Free spanish quizzes and proficiency

Various types of quizzes and proficiency tests for the different levels.

Online resources for Spanish I through III - Realidades with webcodes

Students in Spanish I - III can use the webcodes provided on each workbook page and some pages of the student text.

Don Quijote spanish website

Spanish Grammar Worksheets

Lots of topics that are reviewed with practice sheets.

Online games and tutorials - All levels Spanish

Students can obtain extra help and practice at this site.

Free spanish grammar and activities

The games are grouped by level and topics.

Quia quizzes and activities

Select spanish , then on next page choose the correct textbook from the drop down list.  find your chapter and use the quizzes and games.  or search by keyword such as a verb, vocabulary topic, adjectives, etc.

Lots of fun Spanish games for verbs and other grammar topics

Choose a topic for some extra help.  Foods?  Fill the cart.  Hangman, uncover the pictures, a lot to choose from.

Many Spanish websites, links to games
View text-based website