RSD Summer Schedule
To conserve on energy and costs, the Riverview School District is closed on Fridays during the summer months.  Regular M-F office hours will resume on the week of August 12th.  If you need support, please leave a message or email and we will get back as soon as possible.  The first day for students is Thursday, August 22nd.  Have a great summer!

Financial Aid/Scholarships

Financial Aid & Scholarships


Financial Aid

Financial aid is money that is earned, given, or lent to students to pay for post-secondary education.

Four categories of financial aid are grants, scholarships, loans, or work study.

A grant is money that is given to students that does not have to be repaid. Scholarships are given to students based on merit and they are normally not repaid. Students acquire loans (borrowed money) that usually must be paid back with interest. Work study is a form of financial aid where students earn money on campus. Work study funds are not repaid.

Students can apply for federal and state financial aid by completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at The state aid deadline is May 1 in Pennsylvania for state grants. All other applicants are due August 1.

Check with your perspective colleges for merit scholarships and the procedure for applying for them.

Our guidance department assists various local organizations in our community with local scholarships.

The local scholarship package contains all of the local scholarship applications. It is distributed to each of our seniors each year around May 1.

Each senior may apply for as many local scholarships that they want provided that they meet their qualifications.

Students are encouraged to access our guidance department's national scholarship file, located in Mr. Kinek's office.

Any scholarship information that is received in our guidance office is filed in the national scholarship file alphabetically.

National scholarships may range from scholarships from Pittsburgh, through the United States and throughout the world.

Each scholarship is posted on the national scholarship list with their respective deadlines. In order for students to be aware of new scholarships, students may view an updated list of national scholarships on the guidance bulletin board outside of the guidance office.


Recommended sites to assist with postsecondary planning:
(Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency)
(Federal Student Aid)

(Free College Scholarship Search)
(Large Selection of Scholarships)

PHEAA Financial Aid 101:
Recording 11/02/2023

Post-Secondary Financial Aid Support

PHEAA Financial Aid 101


FAFSA Tipsheet
see attached file
Funding Your Future
see attached file 

When to file your

see attached file

FSA ID Bookmark
see attached file

Counselor Compass

Financial Aid Timeline
see attached file
View text-based website