Riverview Model UN Brings Home SIX Awards from 2024 Rome Conference!

Over the weekend of March 15-19, 5 senior members of the Riverview Model United Nations Team attended the 17th annual Rome International Model United Nations Conference. While the trip enabled the students to visit the Renaissance city of Florence, the ancient city of Pompeii, and the Eternal City of Rome on the Ides of March, the real reason for the trip was to attend the conference. This year's RIMUN was the 17th iteration and hosted students from 14 different nations from 4 different continents.  Our team debated with students from Singapore, India, Venezuela, Mexico, Kuwait, Denmark, Poland, France, United Kingdom,  Romania, Germany, Turkey, and, of course, Italy. 

Over the 5 day conference, our Riverview team completed an almost impossible feat by winning SIX total awards for the conference. Congratulations! 
Cohen Hoolahan won first place as best Delegate as Iraq in General Assembly 6 - Legal Committee
Brandon Williams won a second-place Honorable Delegate award as Ecuador in the Committee of Science and Technology
Lola Abraham won a third-place commendation as Ecuador in the Commission  for Social Development
Callie Harden won a third-place commendation as Ecuador in the UN Security Council
Georgia Tsambis won a third-place commendation as Iraq in the General Assembly 1 - Disarmament and International Security Committee.
Georgia Tsambis also won a First Place Best Delegate award as Iraq in the entire General Assembly.
This conference brings the award total for the team to 48 with two competitions remaining on the year! 
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