Lexie the Therapy Dog Visits Tenth Street Elementary!

Students were recently captivated by a fluffy friend roaming the halls of Tenth Street Elementary. Among the rooms visited by Lexie, a miniature golden doodle therapy dog, was Ms. Harvey’s second grade classroom for a fun snuggle session!
Therapy dogs are widely known but often not fully understood, as its benefits are continuing to be discovered! Therapy dogs like Lexie can provide comfort and emotional support to our students, along with helping reduce anxiety, stress, and improve overall mood. For children who might be going through difficult times or experiencing emotional challenges, interacting with a therapy dog like Lexie can be a soothing and therapeutic experience.
In addition, teachers use the comforting interactions with Lexie as a learning opportunity to show students about responsibility, empathy and care for themselves and others. Also, it teaches students at their impressionable age the value of positive social behaviors such as sharing and taking turns spending precious facetime with Lexie. And on top of that, Lexie feels great getting all the petting she could possibly want! We thank Mrs. Whiteman, Lexie's owner, for facilitating these monthly interactions and ensuring that the visits are safe and beneficial for both the students and her gentle canine.
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