Junior High Competitiveness Heats Up in 2nd Nine Weeks & Town Hall!

On Friday, January 26, Junior High students participated in the second nine weeks tournament. Students competed as homerooms in a matball tournament. We loved the sportsmanship, collaboration, teamwork, and energy we saw throughout the morning! 
In the end, Mrs. DeLuca's homeroom came out on top, going undefeated with spotlight moments from many members of the homeroom and tons of teamwork! Mrs. Evanchec's homeroom, with a fantastic performance throughout the day, landed in second place. Mrs. Whiteman's and Mrs. Reck's homerooms worked hard within their homerooms to win first time tournament points with their tied third place finishes! 
We were able to celebrate our January Town Hall on Friday, February 2. We recognized our group of January Recognizing Raiders under the theme of Showing Growth and Learning from Mistakes. We are proud of the group of students who have shown growth in different ways. Some students showed strong iReady growth from diagnostic one to two, others have taken feedback and made different choices, and others have used errors to make positive changes. We are looking forward to seeing additional growth in the future! Our February theme is Positive Attitude. We look forward to recognizing our February Recognizing Raiders on February 23. 

Recognizing Raiders List - Grow and Learn from Mistakes

Karter Sealey 
Aiden Leech
Oscar Smith
Bri Spriggs 
Evvie Borowski
Parker Allis  
Jocelyn Lydick 
Ben Quinlan 
Madilyn McArn  
Michael Aquino – recognized by three teachers! 
David Hamilton 
Shane Laughlin
Sean Phelan 
Mia Murphy 
Uriiah Mowery
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