

Every other year Individuals who have graduated from our district and have achieved exceptional, outstanding, distinguished regional or national accomplishments in the professions, public service, the arts, business, industry, US military, communications, science or technology are recognized as "Riverview Distinguished Alumni." 


To nominate one of our many exceptional alumni, please complete the nomination form. (link below) Persons nominated must have graduated at least ten years ago.
Nominations may be submitted between February 1st and March 31st of each school year.

Nomination Form
see attached
 Distinguished Alumni Inductees
All Hail To You, Oh Riverview The Stronghold Of The Brave! 
Riverview, Our Alma Mater, Gladly Now We Sing Thy Praise.
We Shall Always Honor And Cherish, Loyal Voices Raise.
Black And Gold, Thy Noble Colors Hues Thy Banner Wave.
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