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1.29.21 Superintendent's Bulletin

Dear Riverview Parents,

We hope this email finds you well.  Please read through the following items in their entirety:

  1. Gratitude – Many of you have sent positive emails to administrators and staff expressing your appreciation for their hard work and efforts.  We can’t thank you enough for this.  When you’re dealing with the added stress and anxiety of keeping people safe, educating students simultaneously through in person and virtual spaces, keeping spaces clean and disinfected, managing the added demands of technology distribution and maintenance, all while balancing the fragile tightrope of work and family; a few kind words goes a long way!  This is much appreciated.
  2. New Schedule Reminder-   Remember, the new schedule for the 3rd marking period begins on Monday, February 1st.  All survey requests were granted.  If you don’t remember what you chose for your child, please contact the schools.  Also, please keep in mind the next item listed below.  If poor weather on Monday requires virtual istruction, the new schedule will begin on Tuesday of next week instead.
  3. Monday Weather Alert – It looks like there is going to be a weather disturbance later on Sunday and into Monday.  Therefore, please have plans to shift to virtual instruction just in case.  Remember, with our virtual instruction capabilities, we will try to avoid 2 hour delays as these will cut into student learning significantly.  We will try to get the word out Sunday evening and give you as much time as we can to prepate.  Just keep in mind that weather is unpredictable, and we could decide to go virtual on Sunday night and the weather could possibly be better than expected on Monday.  In other words, with early notification comes added risk of the weather changing overnight, so please be patient.  Let's hope for the best!
  4. Academic Achievement, Outcomes, and Growth Report – Each year, the Administration and Staff carefully analyze student performance across a host of different lenses and assessments.  Although we are always looking for ways to improve, we also have so much to celebrate and be thankful for.  Please take a look at the announcement below that summarizes the report and our accomplishments this year.  We will post this on our website and District Facebook page as well.  It is important to celebrate some of the things that make us GREAT!  LInks are in yellow below:

                    Link to Report Summary:  Riverview Academic Outcomes 

                    Link to Full Report:  2020 Academic Achievement, Outcomes, and Growth Report

  1. Quarantine/Travel Guidelines– We’ve had some questions this week regarding quarantine and travel.  Travel is still a growing concern, as new strains of the virus are beginning to circulate and cases are still quite high in the State and County.  The District is adhering to the PDE travel guidelines located on the Department of Health Website.  The District also adheres to the Allegheny County Isolation and Quarantine guidelines (also located on our District website).
  1. Masks / Student Pick Up and Drop Off – With concerns around the new and more transmissible Covid strains, we want to once again stress the importance of wearing masks ANYTIME you leave home.  This includes pickup and drop off at the elementary schools.  Everyone MUST wear masks, even outside, when on school grounds. This will protect your family and others.  We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 

Please have a great weekend, and continue to stay peaceful, happy, and safe. 

Go Raiders!


 The Riverview Administration