Riverview Teams Win Two Cases at Duquesne Mock Trial Competition

On Friday, January 3, 34 Riverview High School students participated in the annual Allegheny County Regional Mock Trial Competition. The students were divided into 4 teams, with two groups each representing prosecution and defense teams. Mock Trial is a competition where students play the roles of witnesses or attorneys who present a case written by the PA Bar Association. Students utilize witness statements and evidence to prepare either a defense or prosecution case which they present in front of volunteers with legal career experience acting as judges for the case. The students presented their cases thoroughly and were very professional throughout the entire competition.  

The Riverview Teams were:

Prosecution A: Rocco Brown, Chiara Brun, Johnny Bertucci, Tatum Grimes, Molly Morrissey, Drew Ogrodowski, and Noah Prosky

Defense A: Miles Duncan, Dimitri Hong, Hannah Hudack, Blake Huffman, Ella Fabyanic, Aicha Jaafar, Lilly Murphy, Ryland Ogrodowski, and Sidney Vespi

Prosecution B: Bianca Chen, Emily Chen, Allie Costa, Natalie Kingera, Ruby LaBelle, Ben Raphael, Oscar Smith, Emily Streiff, and Lily Valasek

Defense B: Dom DelRosso, Alexis Doas, Kirsten Levarse, Ayla Mellars, Sophie Meyers, Gabrielle Robinson, Brooklyn Steele, Annastasia Underwood, and Sophie Yahnke

Defense Team A and Prosecution Team B won their cases.  In addition, Rocco Brown, Emily Chen, Dimitri Hong, Hannah Hudack, and Gabrielle Robinson won Best Attorney Awards and Dom DelRosso, Miles Duncan, Tatum Grimes, Emily Streiff, and Sidney Vespi won Best Witness Awards. 

Great job everyone!
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