The Junior High rounded out 2024 with a day filled with activities, teamwork, and fun! Students rotated through stations with their homeroom including creating winter-themed crafts (donated to a local adult day care center), writing cards for veterans, participating in an unwrapping game, using a green screen/video editing, and playing winter Kahoot games. Thank you to those who donated craft supplies for our craft station and allowed our students to have an opportunity to give back! Students concluded the morning activities by practicing their homeroom lip sync performances and then playing rounds of dodgeball!
After a jam-packed morning, we held our December Town Hall, where our kind, polite, helpful, generous, and/or positive Recognizing Raiders were announced (list below). Homerooms performed their lip sync battles in front of our 10th grade judges, Cara Johnson and Aliyah Lookabaugh. We look forward to announcing their scores and winners in 2025, but were impressed by all the teamwork, creativity, inclusion, and enthusiasm!
We are looking forward to more exciting Junior High events in 2025!
T-shirt Prizes - Alvin Chen and Alei'a Iongi
High Five from O'Malley - Aidan Aftanas
VIP Seating - Jack Quinlan
Lunch with O'Malley - Elizabeth Loughren
RVTV Shout Out - Chase Vargo
3 Points for Homeroom - Grace Aderemi (Della Sala)
3 Points for Homeroom - Parker Dwyer (Morgans)
Candy Bags - Jeremiah Williams & Molly Grossman
Starbucks Cup - Chloe Sykes
Selfie with O'Malley - Jaiden DiIanni
December: Kind, Polite, Helpful, Generous, Positive
Della Sala
Alei’a Iongi
Grace Aderemi
Aidan Aftanis
Eleni Doas
Liam Tomlinson
Elliot Dawson
Sawyer Peters
Jocelyn Lydick
Ben Quinlan
Chloe Sykes
Owen Franczyk
Allie Davis
Isaac Mahaney
Jeremiah Williams
Saraya Sanderson-Bey
Lily Osborne
Sharon Guido- Hernandez
Chase Vargo
Molly Grossman
Jack Quinlan
Elizabeth Loughren
Riley Jadlowiec
Milo Thomas
Sawyer Rocchini
Morgans Nicho Lollo
Ava Emanuele
Parker Dwyer
Adriana Robinson
Sam Jackson
O’Malley Alvin Chen
Jaiden DiIanni
Cash Repcik
Vincent Gagetta
Sterling Fichte